Lessons from a Child

One day, several months ago, I experienced one of the sweetest moments with my nephew. I was watching him during the week as he had been sick with strep and unable to go to daycare. While he was taking a nap, I sat out on my deck reading and journaling. When he woke up, he joined me outside and we proceeded to have the following conversation: 

Liam: “Aunt Hannah, are you going to have a baby?”

Me: “I’m not sure bud. I hope to eventually but right now Aunt Hannah is having a hard time”

Liam: (after pausing to think) “God is going to give you a baby”

Me: “You think so?”

Liam: “Yep God can do anything, you just have to pray and tell him what you want”

Me: “Do you pray to him?”

Liam: “mmhmm I prayed before I took my nap”

Me: “You did? Well, do you want to pray with me now?”

Liam: “Ok (with hands clasped together) Dear God please give Aunt Hannah a baby, Amen

Y’all, I had to truly clench my teeth to keep from crying. It was just so precious and his faith and innocence taught me a valuable lesson that day. As I’ve mentioned before, hearing people say that I just need to pray and trust in God, regarding infertility, has not been helpful. However,  when it comes from your four year old nephew, who has such a pure faith, it’s a little different. I had been praying of course, but this changed the way I prayed. I realized I needed to pray with the 100% belief that God would grant me the desires of my heart. After all, I truly believe these desires are God given. 

Many of my friends have children, and I spend quite a bit of time with them. One of my best friends from high school has three children. I unfortunately don’t get to see them as often as I would like, but I love them. I try to make it to their birthday parties, and think of them often. I love her entire family and admire the type of mother she is. 

 My husband and I attend a life group at church where we are the only couple without kids. We often spend time with these families, go to their kids birthday parties when able, tick or treat with them on halloween, and even travel with them. Many, I’m sure would think, “Why do you spend so much time around kids when struggling to get pregnant instead of trying to make new friends in your same phase of life?” Well, the reason is simple. We love these children and their families and want to be a part of their lives. We honestly wouldn’t have it any other way (except to have children of our own of course). I have enjoyed watching these kids grow from babies into the sweet, kind, beautiful children that they are now. I love hearing their sweet voices greet me Sunday morning at church saying, “Hi Ms. Hannah” and the excitement with which they share their most recent fun experience. My husband and I love the opportunity to play a role in their upbringing by being good examples and through our relationship with their parents teach them the importance of strong Godly friendships. We feel like Aunt and Uncle to all of them and are blessed to have so many nieces and nephews. 

This summer we went on a trip with several of these families and spent one day at an amusement park. Quite a bit of time was spent in the kiddie area and I asked my husband multiple times if he wanted to go off and do our own thing in the more adult area. He repeatedly said, “No, I’m enjoying watching the kids”. He is a police officer who constantly witnesses evil and negativity through his job. He told me later that night how much he enjoyed being around the innocence of the kids and watching their pure joy at the simple things in life. I think it was a breath of fresh air for him and was just what he needed. 

I think we often don’t give children the credit they deserve. We can learn so much from them if we allow ourselves. 

For one, their faith is simple. They know God loves them and cares for them. How often do we as adults overcomplicate our faith worrying about and even arguing over such trivial matters?  I’m not suggesting God doesn’t command and expect certain behaviors and attitudes, but sometimes it’s just refreshing to return to the basics: to let go of our overly legalistic ways and look at the heart of God.

We can also learn to let loose, have fun, and be filled with joy. Back in the amusement park, these kids ran around with huge smiles on their faces, giggling and truly loving life. A couple years ago, my family including my niece and nephew traveled to Disney world. My niece was only about 6-7 months old but my nephew was 2 1/2 and absolutely loved it. You could see the awe in his face as he embraced the magic of the park and all the characters. For months he talked about “the castle” and when we talked about going to the park (playground) he thought we meant going back to Disney World. I don’t think there’s anything better than seeing the magic in a child’s eyes. Just watch a child play at the pool and you will see true happiness. They know how to live life to the fullest. 

Kids can teach us how to treat others and embrace differences. You put a couple of children together and regardless of race, gender, religion, etc., they are best friends after only spending 5 minutes together. 

Children can also teach us to be curious and life long learners. They are aways asking questions . You know the dreaded “why”. It might be annoying, but it is also how they show their desire to learn. They love sharing their newfound knowledge and feeling smart. We should never as adults feel there is nothing else to learn or wisdom to be gained. 

It appears God also knew there were valuable lessons to be learned by children. Matthew 18:2-3 “He called a little child to him and placed the child among them. And he said “truly I tell you unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven”.

I encourage you to embrace joy, faith, innocence, curiosity, and love. Let’s be a little more like children. 

“Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.” – Psalm 8:2

“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it. And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.” – Mark 10:13-16